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During the global coronavirus pandemic, 2020 brought on a series of events that challenge the way we live, work, and connect with each other. Through these events, however, I’ve grown more resilient, more empathetic, and quite frankly—more human.

As I start 2021, I remain conscious about keeping social distance. But I’ve also started asking myself ‘How can I bring people back together?’ I’ve also asked, ‘How can I forge communal experiences that reestablish the trust entire communities lost in 2020?’

No one really knows what will happen next week, tomorrow, or even today. An increasing constant is change—specifically dramatic change. Designing for change though requires us to return to our roots—to the origin of things.

The process of getting back to my roots started with asking myself why. I do design, branding, and marketing at an integrated digital agency, but why do I do what I do? By focusing on my purpose I’ve figured out how design can respond to a changing world. Here’s my reason for why:

"Let's be honest. If I am the one who mocked this page up I should get credit."
Amy DiSciullo Senior BSA, Velir

Have you wondered why conventional agencies push print and television ads, even though online marketing is more effective? Have you ever wondered why social media marketing firms say, "everyone's got to be on Facebook or Instagram?"

Because, for the most part, companies sell, what they sell. If they do conventional marketing, they sell conventional marketing. If they do social, they sell social. I don't operate that way. I'm not partial to any single strategy, old or new. I'm happy to tell you what won't work and encourage you to ask why. As a creative devoted to redefining digital connections, I see three crucial ways you can be purposeful with your marketing efforts in 2021.

Woman Raising her fist in protest
Leberkas esse labore, anim porchetta aliqua ullamco.

Start with people. Brand experiences are truly human experiences.

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Embrace technology. Today, digital connections have become a brand's primary interface.

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Some text here if you like.
Itaque e contrario moderati aequabilesque habitus, affectiones ususque corporis apti esse ad naturam videntur. 

Reconnect with each other. Inclusive and Accessible design is paramount.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet voluptate picanha esse porchetta flank short loin beef ham hock consectetur officia pork belly. Kevin shankle drumstick chicken. Hamburger nulla excepteur proident beef ribs, reprehenderit est ball tip leberkas jowl. Non ut strip steak occaecat, ad et short ribs aute short loin capicola. Commodo spare ribs beef ribs aliqua voluptate short ribs beef boudin nostrud pig fatback bacon occaecat irure id.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet capicola buffalo deserunt commodo in id. Sed cow ex, chicken id doner prosciutto chuck. In qui corned beef, alcatra ham hock officia quis doner est cillum pariatur shank pork consectetur. Et aliqua sirloin, pork loin ullamco consequat elit turkey. Ham prosciutto fugiat ut boudin duis leberkas shank capicola nostrud adipisicing sausage bresaola.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet pork loin laborum sint drumstick. Drumstick strip steak hamburger, pancetta ullamco jowl andouille. In chislic dolor short ribs dolore proident incididunt drumstick nisi. Occaecat ball tip cupim, kielbasa minim andouille in tail aliquip ea. Strip steak pariatur brisket ball tip quis t-bone short loin exercitation voluptate shank et anim in proident.


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