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We live in a time where our personal information lives in dispersed databases around the world, often collected via a wide variety of digital marketing platforms, websites, and social media platforms. Data privacy is, understandably, top of mind for many individuals given the threat of breaches and hacks.

Countries and governing bodies around the world have been working hard to ensure data privacy of their citizens, and the latest of these measures is the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which will go into effect on May 25, 2018. Created by the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Parliament, the GDPR is of concern to businesses and organizations worldwide as the regulation's jurisdiction covers anyone visiting a digital property from within the EU (European Union) whether or not they are an EU citizen.

The GDPR covers 4 major areas: consent, data security, data portability, and data erasure. In this post, we focus on associations that use an AMS such as Personify to keep track of their members’ preferences, behavior, and interaction with their websites, including what steps they need to take to comply with this new regulation.

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